Mobility projects for young people – Youth Exchanges

A ‘Youth Exchange’ focuses on the learning mobility of young people, with the objective to engage and empower young people to become active citizens, connect them to the European project as well as to help them acquire and develop competences for life and their professional future. The activities are designed to have a good influence on the young people and participating organisations, the communities in which they take place, the youth field itself, and the European economic and societal sectors in general.

Organisations interested in applying for funding, need to be aware of the Priorities of the Erasmus+ Programme. Interested organisations also need to read the Youth Exchange section of the Erasmus+ Programme Guide to get familiar with the programme rules, objectives of the action and the award criteria as well as the European Union Youth Strategy.

Who can participate?

The application might be from any qualified participating organisation or group formed in an EU Member State or a foreign country involved with the Programme. This organisation applies on behalf of all project participants.

Young people must be aged between 13 and 30 and residing in the countries of their sending and receiving organisations. Group leaders and facilitators involved must be at least 18 years old.

A participating organisation can be:

  • a non-profit organisation, association, NGO; a public body at local, regional, national level; a social enterprise; a profit-making body active in Corporate Social Responsibility;
  • an informal group of young people established in an EU Member State or third country associated to the Programme.

Informal Groups:

Informal groups are group of at least four young people between 13 and 30 years old. One of the members of the group who is at least 18-years old assumes the role of representative and takes responsibility on behalf of the group. A full definition for informal groups can be found in Annex D – Glossary of Terms in the Erasmus+ Programme Guide.

What activities can take place?

What activities can take place?

Youth Exchanges are activities involving at least two groups of young people from different nations. Young people get together for a short time to undertake a non-formal learning plan on a topic of their choosing, drawing inspiration from the European Youth Objectives. Such activities can include workshops, exercises, discussions, role-plays, simulations, and outdoor activities. The learning time comprises, in addition to activities, a preparatory phase, as well as assessment and follow-up following the exchange. All young people are welcome to participate in Youth Exchanges, with a specific emphasis on those who have fewer opportunities.

They aim to: –

  • Promote intercultural discussion, learning, and a sense of belonging to Europe.
  • Improve young people’s abilities and attitudes
  • Promote European values and dismantle preconceptions and stereotypes
  • Increase awareness of socially significant problems and inspire civic involvement and active participation.
What is funded?

Organisational support – implementation of mobility activities that are not covered by other cost categories including preparation costs and support to participants

Travel – Return travel costs of participants and accompanying persons from their country of origin to the venue of the activity

Individual support – Subsistence for participants and accompanying persons during the activity (including food and accommodation)

Inclusion support – additional funding for participants with fewer opportunities

Preparatory visit – travel and subsistence for visiting host organisation before mobility

Exceptional costs – Such as costs for providing a financial guarantee, if the National Agency asks for it, or visas.

Applicants interested in Youth Exchanges can apply for funding in two ways:

Short-term projects for youth exchanges

These projects provide applicants with an opportunity to organise various mobility activities over a period of 3 to 24 months.

Accredited projects in the field of youth

These projects are open ONLY to organisations holding an Erasmus Accreditation in the field of youth. Successful applicants for Erasmus Youth Accreditation will gain simplified access. This special funding strand allows accredited organisations to regularly receive funding for mobility activities that contribute to the gradual implementation of their Erasmus+ Activity Plan as described in their Erasmus+ Accreditation.

Application deadlines 

View the list of organisations holding a valid Erasmus Accreditation in the field of youth.

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