Mobility Projects for Youth Workers

This action supports the professional development of youth workers through non-formal and informal learning experiences in mobility activities. Organisations interested in applying for funding, need to be aware of the Priorities of the Erasmus+ Programme. Interested organisations also need to read the section focusing on  Mobility Projects for youth workers of the Erasmus+ Programme Guide to get familiar with the programme rules, objectives of the action and the award criteria as well as the European Union Youth Strategy.


  • Provide non-formal and informal learning opportunities for educational and professional development of youth workers, contributing to high quality individual practice as well as to the evolution of youth work organisations and systems;
  • Build a community of youth workers that can support the quality of projects and activities for young people in EU programmes and beyond.
  • Develop local youth work practices and contribute to capacity building for quality youth work of the participants and their organisation, having a clear impact on the participating youth workers’ regular work with young people.

Who can participate?

When applying for Mobility Projects for Youth Workers, eligibility is rather flexible. A participating organisation can be:

  • a non-profit organisation, association, NGO; European Youth NGO; a public body at local, regional, national level; a social enterprise; a profit-making body active in Corporate Social Responsibility;
  • a group of young people active in youth work but not necessarily in the context of a youth organisation (i.e. informal group of young people)

Informal Groups:

Informal groups are a group of at least four young people between 13 and 30 years old. One of the members of the group who is at least 18-years old assumes the role of representative and takes responsibility on behalf of the group. A full definition for informal groups can be found in Annex D – Glossary of Terms in the Erasmus+ Programme Guide.

What activities can take place?

Professional Development Activities (PDA’s): Study visits; Networking and community building; Training courses; Seminars and workshops

System development and outreach activities: Complementary activities aiming at enhancing the impact of the mobility project on the field. They include all those activities contributing to the European Youth Work Agenda for quality, innovation and recognition of youth work and bringing back lessons learnt and tools to the organizations involved in the projects and beyond.

Preparatory visits: Preparatory visits aim to ensure high quality activities by facilitating and preparing administrative arrangements, building trust and understanding and setting-up a solid partnership between the organisations and people involved. Preparatory Visits take place in the country of one of the receiving organisations before the start of the Professional Development Activity.

Activity Duration:

From 2 to 60 days, excluding travel days. The minimum 2 days must be consecutive.

Project Duration:

3 to 24 months

Venue(s) of the activities:

The activities must take place in the country of one (or several, in case of itinerant activities) of the organisations participating in the activity.

Eligible participants:

In this action, there is no age limit for youth workers.

What is funded?

Organisational Support – for preparing and managing all phases of the project

Travel – for return travel costs from participants’ home to venue of the activity

Individual Support – ‘subsistence’ costs for participants (for example, food and accommodation)

Inclusion Support – additional funding to enable people with fewer opportunities to take part

Preparatory Visits – covering travel and subsistence while taking part in a preparatory visit to establish the Youth Exchange

System Development and Outreach Support – to facilitate the implementation of complementary activities

Exceptional Costs – such as costs for providing a financial guarantee, if the National Agency asks for it; or expensive travel costs (for example, when a participant is travelling to or from a very remote place).

Applicants interested in Mobility Projects for Youth Workers can apply for funding in two ways:

Short-term projects for youth exchanges

These projects provide applicants with an opportunity to organise various mobility activities over a period of 3 to 24 months.

Accredited projects in the field of youth

These projects are open ONLY to organisations holding an Erasmus accreditation in the field of youth. Successful applicants for Erasmus Youth accreditation will gain simplified access. This special funding strand allows accredited organisations to regularly receive funding for mobility activities that contribute to the gradual implementation of their Erasmus+ Activity Plan as described in their Erasmus+ Accreditation.

Application deadlines

View the list of organisations holding a valid Erasmus Accreditation in the field of youth.

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