The setting up of a Multi-Material Recovery Facility

Hal Far

Hal Far
Hal Far
Hal Far
Hal Far
Project Summary:

The project envisages the construction a multi-material recovery facility within the grounds of the Civic Amenity site in Hal Far which will enable the gathering of different waste streams for preparation and storage for eventual reutilisation and export where necessary thus, reducing the amount of waste that is channelled towards landfilling. Furthermore, to complement this, a glass sorting plant will be procured to further reduce the landfilling of waste.

Click here to watch the video produced by SEM.


Project cost: €13,356,881.37
Beneficiary: WasteServ Malta
Ministry: Ministry for the Environment, Energy and Enterprise
Start Date: 2017
End Date: 2023
Operational Programme: OPI Fostering a competitive and sustainable economy to meet our challenges
Fund: Cohesion Fund
Priority Axis: 10
Focus area of intervention: Household waste management (including mechanical biological treatment, thermal treatment, incineration and landfill measures)

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