Productive investment in non-food aquaculture using Recirculation Aquaculture Systems (RAS) in AquaBioTech Group to improve resource efficiency, reducing usage of water and chemicals as well as to ensure the safe operation of existing and new RAS units (Call 1 (b) Article 48 (1) e, i, j)

Recirculation Aquaculture

Recirculation Aquaculture
Recirculation Aquaculture
Project Summary:

With the requested funding, AquaBioTech Group (ABTG) is to receive support for the development of its existing Recirculation Aquaculture System (RAS) and the building of new systems. In line with the goals of the Common Fisheries Policy and the EMFF Regulation, ABTG wants to develop non-food aquaculture production units using RAS technology to produce fish for the experimental testing of new aquaculture products like feeds, feed additives, vaccines and equipment. The aim of the planned investment is to: upgrade the central water supply and effluent collection system, upgrade the energy supply, monitoring and control of the existing RAS systems to reduce operational costs and environmental impacts, as well as the construction of nine (9) new RAS units in the exiting laboratory building of the Company to provide higher quality services for the clientele.


Project cost: €359,416.19
Beneficiary: AquaBioTech Ltd.
Start Date: 2018
End Date: 2022
Fund: European Maritime and Fisheries Fund
Priority Axis: 2

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