M2.1: Benefitting from Farm Advisory Services [Closed]

The Ministry responsible for EU Funds launches the call for project proposals under Rural Development Programme 2014-2022, Measure 2.1: Support to help benefitting from the use of advisory services (agriculture).

The scope of the measure is to provide assistance to farmers through recognized Farm Advisory Service Entities. The use of advisory services for the agricultural sector complements the purpose of measures to improve human potential, through the provision of specific advisory services, and by providing incentives to farmers to seek direct advice to address their specific situations.

Types of Advice

  • ad-hoc technical advisory services onsite to farmers:

This will consist of specific topics of advice which will be provided to farmers (for both crop and livestock).  This advice may include but is not limited to areas such as organic farming, precision farming and IPMP. The technical advice will be specific to a particular challenge or problem and hence it might not necessarily include the whole holding.

  • standalone Fertiliser Plans (not included as part of the Cross Compliance Package)

Fertiliser planning is essential to obtain balanced fertilization in each field. Lack of certain plant nutrients can reduce plant growth and lower yield, but surpluses can be costly both from an environmental and an economic perspective. A fertiliser plan is an important tool which is used as a guide to achieve an optimum yield, good crop quality whilst minimizing the environmental impact.

The eligible beneficiaries for support under this measure are advisory Service Providers (SP) recognized as Farm Advisory Services by the Farm Advisory Service Registration Board (FASRB) in accordance with the Guidelines for the Registration of Farm Advisory Services as per L.N. 99 of 2019 and subsequent legislations that may supersede this legislation, duly registered in the official register held by the Agriculture and Rural Payments Agency.

The end beneficiary of the advisory service must be a farmer (whether natural or legal persons) that applies for assistance in relation to agricultural activities.

The MA will consider applicants that are recognised by the Farm Advisory Service Registration Board (FASRB)[1]  (at the time of application) as published on the following link and which have the required skills and appropriate qualifications to be eligible under this measure. Guidelines for the Registration for the Farm Advisory Service can be accessed on the ARPA website here.

Eligible Expenditure

Expenditure is considered to be eligible for payment from the date of submission of the application, subject that the applicant is successfully contracted. All advisory services provided by the beneficiary of the grant have to be offered entirely free of charge to end beneficiaries (farmer) up to a maximum of €1,500 per event.

The following advisory services will be eligible under this Measure:

  • ad-hoc technical advisory services onsite to farmers both to crop and livestock farmers.
  • standalone Fertiliser Plans

Payment for the provision of advisory services will be paid according to the rates of the Simplified Cost Options (SCOs).

Ineligible Actions

Any actions that are not in conformity with national and EU legislation and which are not supported under this measure as listed under Eligible Actions shall not be eligible.

  • The same advice topics which were already funded under the first call of M2.1 (package 1) will be ineligible under this call, except for fertilizer plans.
  • Soil Management Plans, Integrated Pest Management Plans and any other Plans, advice or consultancy services which are already included provided or paid for under any (not necessarily CAP/RDP) other schemes.

The list above is non-exhaustive and may be updated from time-to-time.

Project End Date

June 2025

Budget and Aid Intensity

Projects will be supported at the rate of 100% of the total eligible expenditure with a capping of €1,500 per event.

[1] Excluding those in the Farm Advisory Service Registration Board (FASRB) – Suspensions, Cancellations, De-listings and Reinstatements register.

The application form for the submission of project proposals and supporting documentation can be downloaded  from here and sent by email on rdsubmissions.mees@gov.mt

Prospective applicants are encouraged to refer to the Measure Guidelines to confirm whether their proposals are eligible for funding through this call for project proposals.

The call will close on Friday 24th May 2024 at noon.

The presentation used for the information session organised on Thursday 2nd May 2024, can be downloaded from here:

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