Internal Security Fund

The Internal Security Fund provides an opportunity for Malta to invest in a number of areas, including the exchange of information, cross border cooperation and supporting resilience and protection against serious and organised crime, with the ultimate aim of improving the overall protection of citizens and public spaces, maintain security, and facilitate the collection of sensitive data. In total, the ISF Programme has a total budget of some € 27 million that will be used towards the needs of the Programme, focusing on ensuring a high level of security in the Union. The Programme will focus on the following three specific objectives:

  • Facilitate exchange of information by supporting the setting up of data repository systems for information exchange, strengthening  the Asset Recovery Bureau and enhancing information sharing solutions against encrypted devices.
  • ​Improve cross-border cooperation through the setting up of a fusion centre.
  • ​Strengthen capabilities related to preventing and combating crime by increasing capacity building measures against money-laundering, strengthening technologies in tracking down criminal offences, maximising the abilities of financial investigative networks and enhancing the protection of public spaces.

Measures include actions mitigating corruption, according to the National Anti-Fraud and Corruption Strategy, which strategy aims to enhance analytical capabilities, provide secure communication channels, maximise national cooperation and enhance cross border cooperation. Reinforcing the Cybercrime unit is imperative to enhance the quality of investigations and review the practices adopted for addressing sensitive cases such as online child abuse and bold measures to curb cyber-attacks. In addition, the protection and preservation of public spaces and the resilience of critical entities against potential threats posed by unsecured equipment, such as drones, remains important for security purposes.

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