M10.2: Support for conservation and sustainable use and development of genetic resources in agriculture

The Managing Authority for the Rural Development Programme 2014-2020 within the Ministry for the Economy, European Funds and Lands launches the call for applications under sub-measure M10.2: Support for conservation and sustainable use and development of genetic resources in agriculture.


Applications shall contribute at providing conservation, development sustainable use of genetic resources in agriculture, to ensure that the largest possible genetic diversity of plants and animals species are preserved over the very long term.

Eligible beneficiaries:

Private entities such as research institutions, private bodies, non-governmental organisations, producers’ organisations and associations.

Applicants are invited to submit complete application forms including supporting documents and send it by email to rdsubmissions.mefl@gov.mt by not later than Friday 12th January 2024, noon. 

The application form and guidance notes can be found below:

An information session on M10.2 was held on the 23rd October 2023 at SEM Offices, Republic Street, Valletta. The list of questions and answers raised during the session can be downloaded from here:

For further information, the Managing Authority can be contacted by email on fondi.eu@gov.mt.

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