Malta has received €8 Million from Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein after two separate Memoranda of Understanding (MoUs) were signed on 1st February 2017 between the four countries on the Implementation of the EEA and the Norwegian Financial Mechanisms for the 2014-2021 programme period. €4.4 Million were allocated under the EEA Financial Mechanism whilst €3.6 Million were allocated under the Norwegian FM.

The Signing of the Programme Agreement
Malta signed the Programme Agreement for the EEA and Norway Grants 2014-2021 on 5 June 2018 at the Auberge d’Arragon, Ministry for European Affairs and Equality. Present at this ceremony were H.E. Margit F. Tveiten, Norwegian Ambassador for Malta, Hon. Aaron Farrugia, Parliamentary Secretary for EU Funds and Social Dialogue, Mr Paul Zahra, Permanent Secretary for EU Funds, and the Bilateral Unit within the Funds and Programmes Division amongst other guests. H.E Margit F. Tveiten signed the Programme Agreement on behalf of the Donors and Ms Carmen Dalli, Director Programmes and Projects, signed it on behalf of the Head of the National Focal Point within the Funds and Programmes Division.

EEA and Norway Grants 2014-2021 Programme Launch
The Programme Launch for the EEA and Norway Grants 2014-2021 was held on 12 September 2018. Present at this ceremony were H.E. Margit F. Tveiten, Norwegian Ambassador for Malta, Hon. Aaron Farrugia, Parliamentary Secretary for EU Funds and Social Dialogue, Mr Raphael Scerri, Director General at the Funds and Programmes Division, and the Bilateral Unit within the Funds and Programmes Division. Four projects shall be implemented under the EEA and Norway 2014-2021 Financial Mechanisms namely:
- ‘Reduction in social inequalities in health and the burden of disease’ implemented by the Ministry for Health, worth €2,407,059
- ‘Opportunity Knocks’ (OK) implemented by Appoġġ Agency within the Foundation for Social Welfare Services (FSWS), worth €941,176
- ‘Training of Local Council Staff in Principles of Good Governance, Transparency and Accountability’, for which a total budget allocation of €200,000 is earmarked additional to the sum of €1.1 million in grants for Local Councils in Urban Areas both led by the Department of Local Government, Ministry for Justice, Culture and Local Government
- ‘The Malta Maritime Museum: local development through cultural heritage’ implemented by Heritage Malta, worth €2,015,529
The Legal Documents
The EEA Financial Mechanism 2014-2021 between Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway (EFTA States) and Malta
Amendment of Annex A and Annex B to the Memorandum of Understanding on the implementation of the EEA Financial Mechanism 2014-2021 (entry into force 12 March 2018)
The Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2014-2021 between Norway and Malta
Amendment of Annex A and Annex B to the Memorandum of Understanding on the implementation of the Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2014-2021 (entry into force 12 March 2018)
Regulation and Annexes on the Implementation of the Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2014-2021
Regulation and Annexes on the Implementation of the European Economic Area (EEA) Financial Mechanism 2014-2021
Protocol 38C to the EEA Financial Mechanism
Priority sectors and programme areas 2014-2021
Technical Assistance Agreement
EEA and Norwegian Financial Mechanisms 2014-2021 – Programme Agreement signed on 5 June 2018
Manual of Procedures
Manual of Procedures (MOP) Fourth Edition May 2022
Annex 1- Funds Commitment Form
Annex 2- Financial Identification Form
Annex 3- Delegation of Authority Form
Annex 4- Documentary On-the-spot check Report
Annex 5- Follow-Up On-the-spot check Report
Annex 6- Report on new Irregularities
Annex 7- Report on measures taken regarding already reported Irregularities
Annex 8 Project Progress Report
Annex 9- Project Completion Report
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