Mobility for Pupils and Staff in School Education

Organisations interested in applying for funding, need to be aware of the Priorities of the Erasmus+ Programme. Interested organisations also need to read the School Education Mobility section of the Erasmus+ Porgramme Guide to get familiar with the programme rules, objectives of the action and the award criteria.

Who can participate?

Any organisation in Malta that provides school education, or is otherwise active in school education.

For Staff Mobility projects:
Participants could include teachers, school leaders and all other non-teaching experts and staff working in school education. Non-teaching staff can also take part and this includes people working in school education such as teacher assistants, pedagogical advisors, or psychologists. It also includes people working in organisations active in school education like school inspectors, counsellors, policy coordinators in charge of school education, and so on.

For Pupil Mobility projects:
Pupils can take part if they are enrolled in an education programme at the sending school.

For Other Supported Activities:
Invited experts, hosting teachers and educators in training can apply.

For Accredited Projects for Mobility of Pupils and Staff:
Organisations holding a valid Erasmus accreditation in school education can apply.

What activities can take place?


Staff Mobility

Learner Mobility

Other supported activities

Job shadowing Group mobility of school pupils Invited experts
Teaching assignments Short-term learning mobility of pupils Hosting teachers and educators in training
Courses and training Long-term learning mobility of pupils


What is funded?

Organisational support – implementation of mobility activities that are not covered by other cost categories including preparation costs and support to participants

Travel – Return travel costs of participants and accompanying persons from their country of origin to the venue of the activity

Individual support – Subsistence for participants and accompanying persons during the activity (including food and accommodation)

Inclusion support – additional funding for participants with fewer opportunities

Preparatory visit – travel and subsistence for visiting host organisation before mobility

Course fees – enrolment fees

Linguistic support – language learning materials and training to participants who need to improve the knowledge of the language they will use to study or receive training during their activity, where needed

Exceptional costs – Such as costs for providing a financial guarantee, if the National Agency asks for it; or visas.

Applicants that are registered in the Schools list are able to apply in two ways.

Short-term projects for mobility of pupils and staff

These projects provide applicants with an opportunity to organise various mobility activities over a period of six to eighteen months. Short-term projects are the best choice for organisations applying for Erasmus+ for the first time, or for those that wish to organise only a limited number of activities. Within a period of any five consecutive call years, organisations may receive a maximum of three grants for short-term projects in the field of school education.

Accredited projects for mobility of pupils and staff

These projects are open ONLY to organisations holding an Erasmus accreditation in the field of adult education. This special funding strand allows accredited organisations to regularly receive funding for mobility activities that contribute to the gradual implementation of their Erasmus Plan.

View the rules of the budget allocation for accredited applicants under Erasmus+ Key Action 1 and list of organisations holding a valid Erasmus accreditation:

Find out more on the Erasmus Accreditation and application deadlines.

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