Pre Application Stage

Find out what is required before you submit an application, how to register your organisation, the financing requirements, the European Solidarity Corps Programme guide and priorities which will support you in completing a good quality application.

Organisation Registration

Before applying for funding (by submitting a project proposal), all organisations (partners) involved in the project must first be registered with the Commission. If you are submitting a proposal to a National Agency, you require the Organisation ID (read below) whilst if you are applying directly with the EACEA, you require the Participant Identification Code (PIC).

Organisation ID

If this is your organisation’s first time applying through a National Agency, you have to register your Organisation first and obtain an Organisation ID. Just in case, double check that your organisation has not been previously registered using the SEARCH feature. Once you are certain they your organisation was not previously registered, you can proceed to REGISTER your organisation. The National Agency recommends that a generic email address is used when setting up the account. It is also suggested that the email address used, the OID and the password are stored centrally in case the individual registering the organisation leaves the organisation.

Following the completion of the registration process, an organisation must also upload the legal entity form and the financial identification form (depending on the type of organisation) which may be downloaded from the Resource page under OID Supporting Documents.

  • Setting up a bank account

The National Agency will only accept bank accounts that are held with banking institutions.

Please refer to the below paragraph for the definition of a bank.

A bank is a financial institution licensed to receive deposits and make loans. This is also called the business of banking. In Malta, the carrying out of such an activity requires the obtainment of a license from the Malta Financial Services Authority (MFSA), which is empowered to conclusively determine whether the business of banking is being carried out or not. Banks domiciled in other countries within the EU will be licenced by their county’s respective financial services authorities.”

Bank accounts held in personal names (except for informal groups) will not be accepted and the account must be registered in the organisation’s name.

Personal accounts are only accepted in the case of informal groups. It is strongly recommended that the account is operated by 2 (two) signatories and one of the account signatories must be the legal representative of the informal group.

It is strongly suggested to operate a bank account that is registered in the SEPA zone. Transactions processed to non-SEPA accounts may trigger additional intermediary bank charges. Please refer to following link for additional explanation on SEPA:

In all instances, the Agency will ALWAYS process transactions denominated in the euro currency.

All bank charges have to be made good by beneficiary.

  • Budget allocation for Malta

The draft budget allocation for Malta as per European Solidarity Corps annual NA Work Programme issued by the European Commission can be found in the Resource page under MT budget allocations.

European Solidarity Corps Programme Guide

In order to understand the funding rules, eligibility and award criteria, it is essential that potential applicants read through the European Solidarity Corps Programme Guide, a guide for anybody who would like to have a thorough knowledge of what the European Solidarity Corps is about.

A detailed description of the European Solidarity Corps including the Call for Proposals and the Programme Guide can be found here.

Priorities of the European Solidarity Corps Programme

The National Agency promotes and accepts project addressing any of the 4 Priorities of the European Solidarity Corps Programme. These priorities apply to all actions:

  • Inclusion and diversity
  • Digital transformation
  • Environmental protection sustainable development and climate action
  • Participation in democratic life

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