FAQs – Pre-Application

An O-iD – Organisation ID is a unique identification code that is assigned to each organisation participating in Erasmus+ or the European Solidarity Corps. It is used to register an organisation in the European Commission’s Participant Portal and to access the program’s online application forms.

If you don’t have an O-ID, you can register one by clicking here.

For registration guidelines click here.

Until you submit your Erasmus+ project, your organisation will continue being marked as ‘Awaiting for NA certification’. When you submit the project, the organisation will be marked as ‘NA certified’.

If you’re applying for Discover EU, or as a volunteer under the European Solidarity Corps volunteer projects, you can apply as an individual.

For solidarity projects under the European Solidarity Corps, you have to apply as an informal group.

For every other Key Action or Erasmus+ mobility under Higher Education, School Education, Vocational Education and Training, Adult Education, Youth and Sport, you have to apply through an organisation.

You can apply by clicking here for Erasmus+.

You can apply by clicking here for European Solidarity Corps.


Key Action 1: This action supports mobility projects for individuals, such as students, trainees, teachers, and staff, in the fields of education, training and youth. It seeks to offer opportunities for personal and professional growth and foster cultural awareness and European citizenship.

Key Action 2: On the other hand, the partnerships for cooperation give organisations the opportunity to gain and share experience with other fellow international cooperations, to enhance their abilities.

For a more detailed explanation click here.

The Erasmus+ programme is broken down into centralised and decentralised activities. Centralised activities are larger and more strategic projects managed at a European level by the European Commission, designed to tackle specific issues throughout Europe. Decentralised activities on the other hand are directly managed by the National Agency. In Malta’s case this is the EUPA.

You can only apply for decentralised Key Actions and the European Solidarity Corps under EUPA Malta. This includes:

School Education, Vocational Education and Training, Adult Education: KA120, KA121, KA122, KA210 and KA220

Youth: KA 150, KA 151, KA152, KA153, KA154, KA155, KA210 and KA220

Sport: KA182

Higher Education: KA131

European Solidarity Corps: ESC30, ESC50 and ESC51

For centralised applications, you have to directly apply with the European Commission.

Key Action 1 Adult education: Per selection round, an organisation may apply for only one short-term project in the field of adult education. Organisations that receive a grant for a short-term project under the first round of applications may not apply for the second round of the same call for proposals. Within a period of any five consecutive call years, organisations may receive a maximum of three grants for short-term projects in vocational education and training. Grants received in the 2014-2020 period do not count towards this limit.

Key Action 1 School education: Per selection round, an organisation may apply for only one short-term project in the field of school education. Organisations that receive a grant for a short-term project under the first round of applications may not apply for the second round of the same call for proposals. Within a period of any five consecutive call years, organisations may receive a maximum of three grants for short-term projects in vocational education and training. Grants received in the 2014-2020 period do not count towards this limit.

Key Action 1 VET: Per selection round, an organisation may apply for only one short-term project in the field of vocational education and training. Organisations that receive a grant for a short-term project under the first round of applications may not apply for the second round of the same call for proposals. Within a period of any five consecutive call years, organisations may receive a maximum of three grants for short-term projects in vocational education and training. Grants received in the 2014-2020 period do not count towards this limit.


Key Action 1 Youth

Mobility Projects for Young People – Youth Exchanges: The same organisation (one OID) cannot be involved in more than 5 applications per deadline in this action, either as applicant or partner.

Mobility Projects for Youth Workers: The same organisation (one OID) cannot be involved in more than 5 applications per deadline in this action, either as applicant or partner.

Youth Participation Activities: The same organisation (one OID) cannot be involved in more than 5 applications per deadline in this action, either as applicant or partner.

Mobility Projects for Young People – “DiscoverEU Inclusion Action”: The same organisation (one OID) cannot be involved in more than 5 applications per deadline in this action, either as applicant or partner.

Key Action 1 Higher Education: A HEI can apply only once per selection round for a mobility project as individual HEI and/or as the coordinating HEI of a given consortium. However, a HEI may be part of or coordinate several different mobility consortia applying at the same time.

Key Action 1 Sport: Per selection round, an organisation may apply for only one project. Organisations that receive a grant for a project under the first round of applications may not apply for the second round of the same call for proposals.

Cooperation Partnerships: For applications submitted to National Agencies in the fields of school education, vocational education and training, adult education and youth, the same organisation (one OID) cannot be involved in more than 10 applications overall per deadline, either as applicant or partner. This maximum takes into account all applications submitted for all these fields together.

Small-scale Partnerships: For applications submitted to National Agencies in the fields of school education, vocational education and training, adult education and youth, the same organisation (one OID) cannot be involved in more than 10 applications overall per deadline, either as applicant or partner. This maximum takes into account all applications submitted for all these fields together.

A preparatory visit involves visiting the country of the prospective mobility with the purpose of better preparing the activities involved in the project. Organisation can get 680 EUR per participant, with a maximum of three participants per visit.

You can engage in any way you may find suitable to your organisation to locate partners.

Those applying in the school education sector can also do so through the eTwinning platform.

The Erasmus+ Project Results Platform can be helpful in finding new organisations to collaborate with.

For Adult Education, you can also use EPALE – the Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe to post announcements that you’re looking for an organisation.

Additionally, organisations are encouraged to attend Training and Cooperation Activities (TCAs) to learn more about Erasmus+ but also to meet representatives from different countries which they can form a relationship with for potential projects.

All participants engaged in mobility activities as part of any Erasmus+ Programme project must be insured against risks or any issues that may arise. The Programme allows the organisation to choose an insurance policy of their liking. Nonetheless, there is no requirement to buy insurance specific to the project if participants are already covered by existing insurance plans.

The Online Language Support (OLS) is a service that provides programme participants with the opportunity to carry out an evaluation to see how well they know the language before visiting. Here, they can also seek courses and training to improve the language knowledge of the country they’re going on mobility to.

When justified, there are extra costs allocated aimed at covering the extra financial support needed by those participants with physical, mental or health related conditions.

You contact us, EUPA, the European Union Programmes Agency:

Email: eupa@gov.mt

Number: 99019457

Instagram: @eupa.malta

Facebook: EUPA Malta – Erasmus+ & European Solidarity Corps https://www.facebook.com/EUPAMALTA

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