Malta Network 2023-2027

The National CAP (Common Agricultural Policy) Network for Malta is building upon the previous network (NRNM)  and is providing a  platform through which, various stakeholders under Pillar 1 (income support for farmers)  and Pillar 2  (Rural Development)  can become involved in issues related to the CAP Strategic Plan (CAP SP) for Malta 2023-2027.

The main purpose of this network is:

  1. increase the involvement of all relevant stakeholders in the implementation of CAP Strategic Plans and, where relevant, in their design;
  2. accompany the Member States’ administrations in the implementation of CAP Strategic Plans and the transition to a performance-based delivery model;
  3. contribute to improving the quality of implementation of CAP Strategic Plans;
  4. contribute to the information of the public and potential beneficiaries on the CAP and funding opportunities;
  5. foster innovation in agriculture and rural development and support peer-to-peer learning and the inclusion of, and the interaction between, all stakeholders in the knowledge-exchange and knowledge-building process;
  6. contribute to monitoring and evaluation capacity and activities;
  7. contribute to the dissemination of CAP Strategic Plans results.


The Formal Network resolution can be accessed here.

The Terms of Reference for the Malta network can be accessed here.

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