Common Agricultural Policy Strategic Plan

The Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) Strategic Plan will provide support in the form of direct payments and investments.  This plan will cover the entire territory of the Maltese Islands and will provide funding and support from 2023 till 2027 taking into account national policies affecting agricultural and rural areas.

Resources under the CAP Strategic Plan emanate from the European Agricultural Guarantee Fund (EAGF) and the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD). Foreseen interventions will aim to contribute towards three general objectives: to foster a resilient and diversified agricultural sector; to ensure long-term food security, and to strengthen environmental protection, climate action and the socio-economic fabric of rural areas.

With a total allocated budget (EU + MT) of € 166 Million, the interventions of the CAP Strategic Plan will contribute towards addressing nine specific objectives and an additional cross-cutting objective with the aim of considering lessons learnt and the adequacy of national policies amongst others. The objectives are as follows:

  1. support viable farm income and resilience of the agricultural sector across the Union
  2. enhance market orientation and increase farm competitiveness through technology and digitalisation
  3. improve the farmers’ position in the value chain
  4. contribute to climate change mitigation and adaptation
  5. foster sustainable development and efficient management of natural resources
  6. contribute to halting and reversing biodiversity loss
  7. attracting and sustaining young farmers and new farmers and facilitate sustainable business development in rural areas
  8. promote employment, growth, and gender equality
  9. improve the response of Union agriculture to societal demands on food and health, including high-quality, safe, and nutritious food produced in a sustainable way​

Cross-cutting objective: Modernising agriculture through the sharing of knowledge, innovation and digitalisation in agriculture and rural areas.

The CAP Strategic Plan will support farmers and contribute towards food security and environmental and climate objectives. Resources will be mobilised to provide improved basic income support rates for farmers (€15.6mn), continue the provision of coupled income support (€15mn), schemes for young farmers (€8mn), and for small farmers (€2.4mn) and measures supporting the shift towards more ecological agricultural methods (€10mn). Such initiatives will be coupled with investments to improve farm resilience, new technologies, digitalisation, smart and improved irrigation systems (€21.3mn), incentives for organic farming practices (€2.3mn), and animal welfare (€1mn), amongst others. Measures such as fostering, slurry management and wastewater networks (€31mn), knowledge and exchanges and training for farmers (€4.3mn), as well as measures to improve and foster apiculture practices (€141,000) are also foreseen.​


Documents in relation to the CAP SP 2023-2027 Programme can be found below:

Annex II on the SWOT Analysis

Annex III on the Consultation of the Partners


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