ESPON 2030 Programme

ESPON is an EU funded programme that provides evidence as well as national and regional analysis which supports EU policies such as Cohesion policy. The evidence provided through the ESPON platform can assist public authorities in their policy decisions with respect to their territories and anticipate new challenges through the results of the research carried out. ESPON 2030 will facilitate the development of case studies which are implemented through Thematic Action Plans (TAPs), which can be tailored to the requirements of the territory concerned. The Programme also supports the development of interactive maps which further illustrate territorial evidence.

The 2021-2027 ESPON 2030 Programme has a total budget of EUR 60M which is financed through an 80% EU contribution (48M) and part financed by the 27 EU Member States and 4 partner states (Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, and Switzerland), which amounts to an additional 20 % (12M).

The ESPON Managing Authority which manages the ESPON programme together with the ESPON EGTC (European Grouping for Territorial Cooperation) is located in Luxembourg within the Ministry of Energy and Spatial Planning. The 27 EU Member States and 4 partner states take an active part in the ESPON programme.

The ESPON MA is supported by ESPON Contact Points (ECPs) who promote the evidence developed through the Programme and encourage stakeholders to participate in future opportunities. In Malta, the Planning Authority acts as the ESPON ECP.

Information on the Evaluation of the ESPON 2030 Programme

The tender for the evaluation of the ESPON 2030 Programme has been published on the Portail des marchés publics of Luxembourg and on  the Official Journal of the European Union. The deadline to submit offers is the 7th September 2023  and is accessible on the  TED website and on the Portail ( 


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