The European Fund for the Integration of Third-Country Nationals is one of the four funds that finances national, transnational and EU level actions that are intended to facilitate the integration of Non-EU country nationals in the host countries. Up to €825 million have been made available for the period 2007-2013 to cover such area.
Click here​ to access Council Decision 2007/435/EC establishing the Integration Fund (IF) and Commission Decision 2008/457/EC of the 5th March 2008, laying down the rules for the Implementation of the IF as part of the General Programme ‘Solidarity & Management of Migration Flows’.
The Fund is operated through shared management: in essence the European Commission allocates funds to the national Responsible Authority (RA) of participating Member States (including Malta) on an annual basis. The RA would consequently issue calls for proposals, adjudicate projects, monitor their implementation and effect payments to the beneficiaries. Subject to the availability of funds, up to a maximum of 75% of the projects’ eligible costs can be co-financed out of the IF.
A control mechanism is in place to ensure that funds are managed properly: expenditure is certified by the Certifying Authority and audited by the Audit Authority.
The funds allocated to Malta are as follows:
Year         ​Amount €
​2013         ​604,321.00
​2012         560,500.00
​2011         ​ 546,005.47
​2010         ​537,682.07
​2009         546,282.79
​2008         ​525,019.70
​2007     514,586.43
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