The Food and/or Basic Material Assistance Operational Programme aims to provide the most deprived households with periodic distribution of food items to alleviate the risk of poverty prevalent amongst these persons and to help improve their living standards. Food packages will be distributed to deprived households by selected Partner Organisations, taking into account the financial situation of such households in accordance with the following pre-established selection criteria:
Malta appointed the Ministry for the Family and Social Solidarity (MFSS) responsible for social policy as an Intermediary Body (IB) for FEAD. Amongst other tasks, the IB will also be responsible for the purchase of food supplies to be provided to the partner organisations (POs) through an open call for tenders for the procurement of food under this OP as well as the identification of the eligible target group in line with the established selection criteria.
Total OP budget: €4,640,777.00
EU Co-Financing Rate: 85%
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