Empowering Youth in Senglea to build a better society through knowledge, music and volunteering

Empowering Youth in Senglea

Empowering Youth in Senglea
Empowering Youth in Senglea
Empowering Youth in Senglea
Empowering Youth in Senglea
Empowering Youth in Senglea
Empowering Youth in Senglea
Empowering Youth in Senglea
Empowering Youth in Senglea
Empowering Youth in Senglea
Project Summary:

The project aims to support the young generation in Senglea through the following activities: creation of an educational hub for the provision of tailored educational programmes and team building opportunities; and the creation of an adequate meeting space where to also find specialised support to address any personal difficulties related to education and employment.


Project cost: €68,400.00
Beneficiary: Fondazzjoni għall-Opri Socjali fl-Arcidjocesi ta’ Malta
Ministry: Ministry for Inclusion, Voluntary Organisation and Consumer Rights
Start Date: 2021
End Date: 2023
Operational Programme: OPII Investing in human capital to create more opportunities and promote the well being of society
Fund: European Social Fund
Priority Axis: 2
Focus area of intervention: Supporting the young generations in Senglea through specialized support to address any personal difficulties related to education and employment

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