Training for Fishers


Project Summary:

A number of high standard training courses shall be provided to all interested registered fishers. The courses shall be aimed at improving the knowledge and skill of local fishers, targeting to increase the overall standard of the local fishing industry.  Courses and seminars are projected to start during the first quarter of 2018; such activities are projected to span over a period of four months.

This project shall also include an awareness media campaign, aimed at encouraging course participation. A number of mediums shall be used including: informative application letters to be sent to all professional (MFA/MFB) fisher vessel owners, posters, roll up banners and also television adverts. An information session will also be held to bridge the gap with potentially interested applicants, thus answering any difficulties or queries one might have and aiding applicants in the filling in of application forms. The Department will also be working with cooperatives and other relevant entities to facilitate the dissemination of information and increase awareness at end user level, hoping to maximse the course participation.

After all courses and seminars are delivered, a closing ceremony will be held where all participants will be handed over participation certificates and respective certifications. A gift pack will be also given to all attendees which shall include items related to health and safety.


Project cost: €446,896.08
Beneficiary: Department of Fisheries and Aquaculture
Ministry: Ministry for Agriculture, Fisheries and Animal Rights (MAFA)
Start Date: 2017
End Date: 2021
Fund: European Maritime and Fisheries Fund
Priority Axis: 1

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