Sustainable Living Complex

Sustainable Living Complex

Sustainable Living Complex
Sustainable Living Complex
Sustainable Living Complex
Project Summary:

The Sustainable Living Complex comprises of research laboratories, design workshops and studios, academic and research staff offices, seminar and conference rooms, and lecture halls, with three targets. The primary objective is a model resource-efficient building, itself a “live laboratory” for monitoring a range of resource-efficient technologies in a real-life context, to provide a basis for policy-making on sustainable development issues, create an infrastructure for indigenous innovation in the construction industry, and provide a demonstration best-practice model. The second objective is state-of-the art research facilities for smart specialization areas, including resource-efficient building, aviation and aerospace technologies, and maritime studies. The third objective is to create a high-quality environment for inter-disciplinary research, exploiting potential synergies between the different disciplines present, creating a unique research eco-system of regional relevance.


Project cost: €30,000,000.00
Beneficiary: The University of Malta
Ministry: Ministry for Education, Sport, Youth, Research and Innovation
Start Date: 2017
End Date: 2023
Operational Programme: OPI Fostering a competitive and sustainable economy to meet our challenges
Fund: European Regional Development Fund
Priority Axis: 1
Focus area of intervention: Research and innovation infrastructure (public)

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