Exceptional Temporary Support to Farmers and SMEs

Measure 22: Exceptional Temporary Support to Farmers and SMEs Particularly Affected by the Impact of Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine Under the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development

Scheme Objective

This sub-measure is intended to provide support to forage dependent livestock sectors covered by Voluntary Coupled Support Mechanisms, namely Dairy Production, Beef Production and Sheep, with the addition of Goat rearing provided that they have suffered similar conditions to the sheep sector; this to counteract the effects of the increase in forage feeds arising from the Ukraine conflict. In this regards Swine is not considered as a forage dependent sector in the context of this aid, in addition this sector is already being supported through other instruments.

Eligible beneficaries

Farmers or groups of farmers, whether natural or legal persons in the livestock sector of Bovine, Ovine and Caprine Sector registered in the National Livestock Database.


A budget of €2.2 million has been approved for the implementation of this Measure . This Measure is funded through the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development with a 100% support rate.

Closing Date of Application:   Applications had to be submitted by not later than 31st March.

Documents related to this Measure can be found below:

Guidelines for Measure 22 Exceptional Temporary Support to Farmers and SMEs Particularly Affected by the Impact of Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine  Under the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development may be found on the Agricultural and Rural Paying Agency (ARPA) website on the following link : https://agrikoltura.gov.mt/en/arpa/Pages/guidelines.aspx

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