I73.4 Off-Farm Productive Investments [Closed]

The Managing Authority for the Common Agricultural Policy – Strategic Policy 2023-2027 within the Ministry for the Economy, European Funds and Lands launches the call for applications under Intervention 73.4: Off-Farm Productive Investments


This intervention aims to fund productive off-farm investments related to processing and/or development of agricultural products covering the entire territory of Malta.

Eligible beneficiaries:

  • Farmers, whether natural (self-employed) or legal persons
  • Groups of farmers, including inter alia partnerships, cooperatives
  • Other businesses/public entities/land managers active in the sectors of agricultural or rural business processing/marketing/development of Annex I products as an input.

Applicants are invited to submit complete application forms including supporting documents through this link. The call has been extended till Friday 31st May 2024, at noon.

The Guidance notes can be found below:

Projects that fall under the State Aid De Minimis Regulation should attach the below Declaration Form as a supporting document:

For further information, the Managing Authority can be contacted by email on fondi.eu@gov.mt

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