Mobility Projects for staff in the field of sport  

Encouraging the staff’s learning mobility, this approach intends to enhance the growth of sport organisations. The overall goal of this action is to provide employees of sport organisations, particularly those in grassroots sports, with the chance to advance their competences, qualifications, and skill sets through learning mobility by spending time abroad, thereby supporting the capacity-building and growth of sport organisations.

This initiative promotes the professional growth of grassroots sport’s coaches and other staff members (both paid employees and volunteers). Staff members working in non-grassroots sport, particularly those with dual-sport and non-sport jobs, can also improve learning outcomes and information transfer for those working in grassroots sport organisations. Opportunities for staff members in non-grassroots sports to engage in learning mobility may be facilitated in cases when doing so will advance grassroots sport.

 Mobility Projects for staff in the field of sport  

Organisations interested in applying for funding, need to be aware of the Priorities of the Erasmus+ Programme. Interested organisations also need to read the Sports Mobility section of the Erasmus+ Programme Guide to get familiar with the programme rules, objectives of the action and the award criteria. By encouraging the staff’s learning mobility, this approach intends to enhance the growth of sport organisations.

Who can participate?

A participating organisation can be:

  • A public or private organisation active in the sport and physical activity field and organising sport and physical activities at grassroots level (e.g., non-profit organisation, local public authority, sport club).
  • A non-grassroot sport organisation if its staff participation benefits grassroot sports (e.g., international organisation).
What activities can take place?

The following activities are supported:

  • Job shadowing and observation periods (2-14 days).
  • Coaching or training assignments (15-60 days).

Organisations can also set up a preparatory visit to their hosting partner before the mobility takes place. Preparatory visits are not a stand-alone activity, but a supporting arrangement for mobility of staff.

What is funded?

Organisational support – implementation of mobility activities that are not covered by other cost categories including preparation costs and support to participants.

Travel – Return travel costs of participants and accompanying persons from their country of origin to the venue of the activity.

Individual support – Subsistence for participants and accompanying persons during the activity (including food and accommodation).

Inclusion support – additional funding for participants with fewer opportunities.

Preparatory visit – travel and subsistence for visiting host organisation before mobility.

Linguistic support – language learning materials and training to participants who need to improve the knowledge of the language they will use to study or receive training during their activity, where needed.

Exceptional costs – Such as costs for providing a financial guarantee, if the National Agency asks for it; or visas.

Sports providers and other organisations active in Sports can apply for funding as follows:

Short-term projects for mobility of staff in the field of sports

These projects provide applicants with an opportunity to organise various mobility activities over a period of six to eighteen months. Short-term projects are the best choice for organisations applying for Erasmus+ for the first time, or for those that wish to organise only a limited number of activities. Within a period of any five consecutive call years, organisations may receive a maximum of three grants for short-term projects in the field of sports.

Explore Training & Cooperation Activities (TCAs) taking place around Europe planned by National Agencies (NAs) to encourage collaboration and sharing of best practice within Erasmus+. They include a number of activities including Contact Seminars to find project partners and Thematic seminars addressing specific topics in education, training and youth work. Discoveran online collection of projects which includes descriptions of inspiring Sport projects. It emphasises excellent practises and success stories – concluded initiatives that have differentiated themselves by their influence, contribution to policymaking, innovative outcomes, or creative approach. Review Resources available that will support you in exploring funding opportunities, including the Erasmus+ Programme Guide and other useful documents.

Training Opportunities
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