M3: Quality Schemes for Agricultural Products & Foodstuffs [Closed]

The Ministry responsible for EU Funds launches the call for project proposals under Rural Development Programme 2014-2022, M3 Quality schemes for agricultural products and foodstuffs:

Measure 3.1: Support for New Participation in Quality Scheme.

Measure 3.2: Support for information and promotion activities implemented by groups of producers in the internal Market.

M3.1 supports all new participation of farmers in Union and National quality schemes.

M3.2 aims to support activities of information and promotion of quality schemes both local and those established EU-wide.

Types of Action

M3.1 shall support applicants through the provision of grants for new participation by farmers in one of the quality schemes supported under this Measure. Support will be granted to those activities concerning products covered by the quality schemes receiving support in accordance with Article 16(1) of Regulation (EU) No. 1305/2013.

M3.2 shall cover exclusively schemes programmed under Art 16 (1) of Regulation (EU) No 1305/2013. Eligible quality schemes for information and promotion activities should solely concern agricultural products and foodstuff, and not agricultural holdings and/or their environmental certification. At least one producer in the ‘group of producers’ has to be participating in a Quality Scheme at time of application (which participation shall not necessarily be supported under M3.1).

List of Eligible Quality Schemes

  • EU Protected Geographical Indications, Protected Designations of Origin and Traditional Specialities Guaranteed, can only be granted in respect of products registered in one of the EU registers;
  • National schemes are eligible for support when they comply with the criteria laid down in Article 16(1)(b) Regulation (EU) No 1305/2013;
  • The Products of Quality National Scheme set in accordance with the criteria laid down in Article 16(1)(b). The Scheme has been established by SL 427.90 and provides for the establishment of specific standards. This scheme has been communicated through the TRIS notification procedure;
  • Organic products support is granted for products complying with the conditions of Council Regulation (EC) No 834/2007;
  • For spirit drinks bearing a geographical indication according to Regulation (EC) No 110/2008, support can only be granted in respect of products registered in the EU register.
  • For National Quality Schemes, support for the new participation to the quality schemes will be granted once the scheme is introduced in the RDP, confirming that the scheme fulfils criteria of Article 16(1)(b) of Regulation (EU) No 1305/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 December 2013.

Eligible Expenditure

M3.1 shall cover the following costs associated with the Quality Scheme:

  • Costs of certification which comprises charges related to professional analyses and administrative fees;
  • Annual contribution consisting of expenditure on checks required for verifying compliance with the specifications of the scheme;
  • the annual fee paid to a Competent Authority and Control Body;
  • other fixed costs incurred for entering in a Quality Scheme.

M3.2 shall cover the following costs:

  • Costs of promotional campaigns targeting both farmers (to encourage them to join schemes) and food consumers (to raise awareness of the higher standards and guaranteed provenance that will accompany new quality standards and labels, for Maltese produce).
  • Costs of promotion material (print, film, social media etc) to promote and establish networks to bring farmer producers closer to the customers as part of increasing awareness about Maltese quality produce.

Ineligible Actions

Under M3.1 beneficiaries who have previously participated in the same Quality Scheme are not eligible.

Beneficiaries who are benefiting from the Organic Intervention under the CAP SP will not be eligible for this scheme for Organic Certification costs since the Organic Intervention covers the cost of certification as part of the total rate.

Under M3.2 activities related to the promotion of commercial brands shall not be eligible for support.

Project End Date

June 2025

Budget and Aid Intensity

Under M3.1 the maximum annual value of grant support provided per scheme and per participant under this Measure is set at €3,000 per holding per year which consists of 100% support rate.

Under M3.2 projects will be supported at the rate of 70% of the total eligible expenditure.

Support under M3.1 is available to farmers or groups of farmers for the new participation in the quality schemes

M3.2 shall offer support to Groups of Producers, Producer Organizations, inter-branch organizations or other type of legal entity groups.

The application form for the submission of project proposals and supporting documentation can be downloaded from here and sent by email on rdsubmissions.mees@gov.mt

Prospective applicants are encouraged to refer to the Measure Guidelines to confirm whether their proposals are eligible for funding through this call for project proposals.

The call will close on Thursday 6th June 2024 at noon.

The presentation used for the information session organised on Friday 17th  May 2024, can be downloaded from here:

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For further information, the Managing Authority can be contacted by email on fondi.eu@gov.mt.

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